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Your Digital Nonprofit: The Social Profit Stack

Spring Forward. Power Up Your Email Marketing 🏋🏽💪🏼

Did you remember to change your clocks today? Thank bob our phones do it all for us!

Speaking of tools doing things for us, did you know that email marketing remains a powerful tool for nonprofits looking to grow their revenue and connect with their supporters?

According to research prepared by M+R Benchmarks, nonprofits’ email list size increased by 7% in 2021, and for every 1,000 fundraising messages sent, nonprofits raised $78.

One of the benefits I often see is email is now a way for interested people to opt-in and receive the newsletter and become part of a community and learn from others.

For many, email continues to be private and personal. It can also help your supporters feel seen, heard, and valued.

Hard to Ignore

Email creates a deeper connection between the audience and the organization, increasing loyalty, trust, and engagement.

The long-term benefits of using an email strategy are hard to ignore.

The one thing that many nonprofits need to improve on is retention. Donors tend to give once but don’t find their way back to give again.

Email can share regular touch points with those donors. Sending them information about the impact of their investment is a great way to stay in touch with them. Nothing super fancy is required.

Another solution that email marketing improves is fundraising results.

With the correct information and a donor call to action, donations increase and immediately improve results.

With email, segmenting the email list and personalizing the emails resonate more with supporters.

As personalization levels up, so will the community.

Building stronger relationships with supporters by consistently communicating leads to increased donor loyalty, repeat donations, and even word-of-mouth referrals, all of which can contribute to long-term revenue growth for the nonprofit.

Email campaigns help track and analyze metrics such as open, click-through, and conversion rates. These numbers allow you to evaluate the effectiveness of campaigns and make data-driven decisions to optimize engagement.

Don’t Forget to Add A Call to Action

Adding a creative and specific call to action in every email encourages donors to take action. When your clear and specific, it shares the steps the reader can take to support and why it matters.

Use action-oriented language, like verbs that inspire action, such as "your gift goes a long way to…" or "action today helps us tomorrow."

Keep the steps simple to follow and easy for the donor to complete, such as a donation form or using the opt-in form.

Create a sense of urgency that can help motivate would-be donors to take action by highlighting a matching gift opportunity or a deadline for a campaign.

Share the impact and let donors know how their action makes a difference in the organization's mission, such as by providing a specific example of how their donation made an impact.

By leveraging the cost-effectiveness, increased engagement, segmentation and personalization, measurable results, and long-term relationship building that email marketing offers, nonprofits can drive meaningful impact and achieve their fundraising goals.

Always remember to use specific calls to action in every email to inspire donors to take action and make a difference in their communities.

Ready to elevate your email marketing strategy? Happy to set you in the right direction - hit reply and we'll set up a meeting to chat.

Link Love

Want to add more prospects to your list? Add this resource to create 25 captivating call-to-action examples to 2x your list growth (and why they work)

If you're not set up to see measurable results from building a new email marketing strategy, Keela has you covered with How to Calculate and Improve Your Nonprofit Email Metrics

If you're ready to go all in on email marketing, grow your list and get support along the way, sign up for ConvertKit Creator Network. Gain early access right here.


Your Digital Nonprofit: The Social Profit Stack

Every other Sunday, I'll spark ⚡️your nonprofit's online fundraising strategy and deliver the tools you need to succeed. You'll receive an actionable tip and three links to drive donor engagement, deliver the best online experience for your donors, and raise more revenue. Join us!

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