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Your Digital Nonprofit: The Social Profit Stack

AI - The good, the limits, and the great 🛠️

Have you heard about the new artificial intelligence-powered tool yet?

Developed by OpenAI called ChatGPT, it’s a powerful language model trained to understand and generate human language.

Crazy right?

I can’t seem to go anywhere online without someone talking about it.

After using the tool for a few weeks, it’s official: its ability to complete writing tasks is incredible.

From content creation to producing code, it’s a game-changer.

Getting our heads around how these programs work is essential. It’ll also be valuable to understand where our intelligence helps and where it may hurt in the long run.

What is ChatGPT anyway?

Launched in November 2022, ChatGPT entered the market to: “test an extensive and powerful AI system.”

ChatGPT understands language and generates grammatically correct and meaningful text. This understanding makes it a valuable tool for many applications, such as content generation, text summarization, or customer service.

Trained on large data sets until 2021, ChatGPT’s ability to respond to your prompts with current information won’t happen.

Value add for social profits

Social profit organizations often need to generate a large amount of content, such as reports, articles, and marketing materials.

Between the need for resources and the opportunity to save time, ChatGPT adds immense value.

The benefit? It automates processes and generates high-quality content or report outlines. It also adds staff time to more critical tasks.

It can analyze data, provide insights that can inform strategic decisions and help the organization to allocate resources more effectively.

ChatGPT can even assist the process of responding to donor inquiries, providing quick and accurate responses to all constituents, which can help to improve their experience and increase engagement. Chatbot anyone?


Every great product has its limits, right?

It’s powerful but never a replacement for human creativity and understanding.

ChatGPT doesn’t understand pictures or videos and can't understand how people feel.

For example, it can't understand jokes or unique sayings and won’t come up with new ideas or tell you if something is true.

The tool isn’t quite at the level you can prompt and share without review, but it does remain an incredible artificial intelligence tool for nonprofits.

Consider using it as a supplement to your intelligence and creativity. Always use it with caution, and consider its ethical and legal implications.

Learn to Prompt

Using ChatGPT is relatively simple. You can access it via the website where you input a prompt (a text or question), and it will generate an output text.

You can fine-tune the information output to suit your needs by training the model on your chosen dataset.

For best results, use these five steps to learn how to write a great prompt

1. Identify the task or purpose for which you want to use ChatGPT - the task can be anything from text summarization to content generation to customer service.

2. Create your prompt and make sure it’s clear and concise - be sure to give ChatGPT enough information to generate the desired response. For example: if the task is to create a summary of a news article, the prompt could be: "Please summarize the following news article about how donors like monthly giving.”

3. Use keywords specific to your task to help ChatGPT understand the context - keywords must be specific to the task and help the model understand the context. Don’t know the keywords? Ask ChatGPT to supply you with keywords based on your organization’s needs.

4. Test your prompt by inputting it into ChatGPT and evaluate the output - you can put the prompt into the API and see the output generated by the model. If the response is not what you expected, you can adjust the prompt and test it again.

5. Fine-tune your prompt - as you train the model on a dataset of your choice, you can make it more proficient in generating relevant text for your task. ChatGPT generates text similar to what’s in the dataset. It learns to identify patterns, such as the relationship between words and phrases. Add your case for support or sections of your website to the API.

By following these steps, you can create a prompt that will help ChatGPT generate text that is high quality and relevant to your objective

Here are a few prompts to get started:

  1. How can we increase donations for our [add type] nonprofit organization?
  2. What are the most effective ways to engage donors and volunteers?
  3. Share five ways to improve our fundraising events to raise more money.
  4. What are the best strategies for effectively communicating our mission and impact to potential donors?
  5. "How can we use data and analytics to understand and serve our target audience?

Want to chat more about how ChatGPT can help - hit reply! I'm happy to chat all things A.I.

Link Love

My favourite AI tool is Grammarly. It’ll always be my first AI love. It’s also your best solution to receive writing suggestions across desktop apps and websites. (affiliate link)

Since ChatGPT can’t see pics or videos, want to see what AI can do for photos? DALL-E is the place to visit.

Need a little spark when writing a presentation? Use Tome AI to get it started for you


Thank you for reading ✌🏼

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113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA, 98104-2205

Your Digital Nonprofit: The Social Profit Stack

Every other Sunday, I'll spark ⚡️your nonprofit's online fundraising strategy and deliver the tools you need to succeed. You'll receive an actionable tip and three links to drive donor engagement, deliver the best online experience for your donors, and raise more revenue. Join us!

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