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Your Digital Nonprofit: The Social Profit Stack

5 Simple Strategies to Steward (& Grow) Your Online Donor List 🌱

When I worked as a fundraiser at our city university, I often wondered how we'd steward our mid-level donors.

There were stewardship guidelines for major gift donors, but we required a new approach for this new donor level.

My biggest question was how often we would thank new donors who contributed monthly.

No matter the answer, I knew that the better I served these donors, the better my success.

Stewardship and recognition remain the most essential parts of the donor cycle. And my main idea now is to design an effective stewardship strategy in the digital age.

Today, I'm sharing five simple strategies that help you steward your online donors and use them to create successful fundraising campaigns.

Let's dig in.

What is Donor Stewardship?

Donor stewardship revolves around building and nurturing relationships with donors to ensure their continued support and engagement.

As we embark on the supersonic fall fundraising season, it's time to focus energy on retaining your new donors.

Donors have countless choices, and effective stewardship becomes paramount to retaining these valuable contributors.

To calculate your nonprofit's donor retention rate, divide the number of repeat donors this year by those that donated last year. For example, if you have 159 donors who gave again this year but had 300 who donated last year, your donor retention rate would be 53%.

Use These 5 Simple Strategies to Steward (& Grow) Your Online Donor List

Acknowledgement & Gratitude

The first step in any stewardship program for any donor level is thanking them for their gift. Donors appreciate receiving immediate confirmation of their contribution.

Ensure your CRM shares a thank-you email to your donor to express gratitude—acknowledging receipt and how their donation contributes to your organization's mission. Leave a lasting positive impression on the donor.

If you call your donors when they give over a certain amount, continue to do this. Taking your gratitude one step further adds a personalized touch that builds relationships.

Share the Impact

Demonstrating results is what donors want to know when they give a gift.

Investing in what you do is real. Donors want to know if their contribution made an impact.

You can use your phone to create compelling videos sharing information about how their donations make a difference. Highlight specific projects, initiatives, or success stories that align with your donors' interests.

The trick is to choose the medium that best updates your community of donors on the progress and outcomes of funded programs. It brings more awareness to your organization's mission.

Foster a Sense of Belonging

Online donors are more likely to stay engaged when they feel part of a community that shares their values.

Creating an exclusive online space like a Facebook or Instagram group allows you to drive your supporters to those sites to interact and share experiences with your team.

Hosting virtual events, webinars, or Q&A sessions can enhance this sense of belonging. Encourage dialogue and collaboration among donors to cultivate a robust and supportive community.

Nurturing Ongoing Support

Securing the next donation is an excellent next step in donor retention.

Don't wait until next year. According to research completed by Neon One, the data shows that donor retention is 37% higher after the second gift.

Ask your first-time donors to give monthly within the first 45 days of a first gift. Show that you value their continued support and is essential to the organization's sustained impact.

Take it one step further and develop a well-crafted second gift strategy. Include personalized outreach, tailored content, and specific calls to action.

Consistent and Relevant Engagement

Human behaviour shows we're not thrilled with open loops. Put yourself in your donor's shoes and consider how you'd like to learn about the impact of your investment.

In your communications plan, include a mix of updates, stories, updates, and opportunities for involvement.

Keep donors informed and engaged - use various channels, such as email newsletters, social media, and your website. Regular, meaningful communication reinforces your donor's actions and provides a sense they are part of the mission.

If you're ready for more personalization, tailor your messages to different donor segments based on their preferences and giving history.

Driving long-term success

The focus is simple: thank them often, and share what you've been able to accomplish using their investment.

By prioritizing donor stewardship, you'll retain donors and create a dedicated community of supporters invested in your mission's success.

Remember, each interaction with your donor is an opportunity to deepen their connection to your mission and inspire their ongoing support.

Happy Stewarding!

Ready to set up feedback loops? Let's work together. Hit reply, or book your first free strategy call

Link 💜

Need a quick website or want to see how you can design and publish a new website or landing page? From templates to a community, Framer is the new kid on the AI block.

Do you love podcasts? Julia Campbell is your best bet if you're ready to learn about mastering your nonprofit marketing. Julia is producing and sharing great advice on her podcast, Nonprofit Nation.

✌🏼 Thanks for reading! See you in two weeks!

Your Digital Nonprofit: The Social Profit Stack

Every other Sunday, I'll spark ⚡️your nonprofit's online fundraising strategy and deliver the tools you need to succeed. You'll receive an actionable tip and three links to drive donor engagement, deliver the best online experience for your donors, and raise more revenue. Join us!

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